Extend your marketing campaigns to increase your sales in a risk-free way

ShopForward is your online shopping partner that helps you gain incremental sales, while you stay in control.

Why over 10,000 webshops love ShopForward

Works well with own campaigns

Our online marketing campaigns are designed to be complementary to your own campaigns.

You stay in control

We set up and manage the campaign, but you stay in control through the feed, negative keywords, cpa percentage and other measures.

We do the work and we pay the ads bill

We set up new marketing campaigns apart from your own setup. We pay the bills for these campaigns and you only pay for approved sales.

Only pay for approved sales Completely risk free

We set up campaigns on a no-cure no-pay basis. We take the risk of investing in your campaign. No campaign management on your side: everything is done by our experts. We cannot guarantee any traffic levels, but can make sure it is always profitable on your end.

You can determine the CPA percentage and only pay for real and self-approved sales.

Complementary to your own campaigns

We have our own bidding algorithm and optimise product data to create a unique campaign. We focus on traffic and sales that are not covered by your own campaigns, increasing your visibility at the expense of your competitor’s reach.

0 +
0 billion+
0 million+
0 million+

Each year

EU-wide coverage

We can promote your products on multiple channels in 21 European countries.